
SANs heighten storage security requirements

This white paper explains why making security part of your storage strategy can be a costly and time-consuming oversight.

In 2001, the Computer Security Institute (CSI) conducted its annual “Computer Crime and Security Survey,” which found that 85% of the 538 respondents polled detected a security breach within their system. A primary impact from these intrusions comes from monetary loss, which 65% of the respondents experienced. Only 186 of the respondents were willing and able to quantify those financial losses, which amounted to more than $370 million dollars. Alarmingly, of those that experienced intrusions and financial loss, 95% have firewalls and 61% have intrusion detection systems. Although the data provided by this report is interesting, most computer security breaches go unreported. The actual losses are certainly higher than this report indicates. (Feb. 2002)

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